Australia Thailand Business Council
The ATBC has been providing knowledge, promotion and support for bilateral trade and business since 1980. For over 30 years, the ATBC works for its members to build strong links between Australian and Thai businesses in private , as well as developing mutually beneficial relations with respective governments.

WA Singapore Business Connect Inc (WASBC)
The WASBC offers its members the ability to develop and foster strong relationships between Western Australia and Singapore. WASBC aims to promote cooperation, communication, and synergy among businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, and not-for-profit organisations across Western Australia and Singapore. We strive to be unique and aim to bring members and guests together via exciting and informative events, in an environment that enables everyone to connect, collaborate and create.

Australia Philippines Business Council (APBC)
The APBC’s core objectives are to:
Promote the exchange of products, services, investment and ideas between Australia and the Philippines through strategic alliances, sharing of commercial intelligence and advocacy. Provide a range of exclusive networking, communication and engagement opportunities with influential business & government contacts in both countries. Facilitate introductions and/or business enquiries to the most appropriate government agency in both countries. Represent APBC members’ views on pertinent issues to the Philippine and Australian Governments

Indonesian Chamber Of Commerce WA
As the voice of Indonesian business community in Western Australia, Indonesian Chamber of Commerce was formed by local Indonesian businesses with unified aspirations as an ecosystem in which we can prosper. The inspiration has always revolved around the members, and our ability to provide them with invaluable access to opportunities.

Australia Laos Business Advisory
Australia - Laos Business Advisory (ALBA) provides advisory services for trade, investment and business between Australia and Laos. All projects and clients that we engage with promote, encourage, and make positive social change in the following key areas: Education, Health, Agriculture, Technology, Tourism and Infrastructure
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